Our Company Profile

Our Company Profile

We have been on the market as a family business for 55 years and have always been a pioneer in formwork and scaffolding technology. What has made us so successful is that in everything we do, we always think first and foremost of the benefits for our customers. A cooperation based on partnership and trust is a fundamental value in our company, which therefore also forms the basis of our customer relationships.

PERI in Figures

We can look back on a proud history of success and growth. These are the key data for today:

  • 9200
    Employees worldwide
  • 1847
    Annual revenue
  • more than 65
  • 160
    Logistic centres

Successful Construction with PERI

Origin and Headquarters of All Activities

Since its foundation in 1969, our headquarters in Weißenhorn, Germany, have been continuously expanded. This is where system devices are developed, produced and held in stock. In 2016, PERI acquired a new site including production halls and office buildings in Günzburg, Bavaria, around 20 km away. This significantly increased the production capacities.

Close to Our Customers and Their Projects

Proximity to our customers is actively lived and driven at our company. Today we are represented by more than 60 subsidiaries on all continents, in many countries also with several branches and additional sales offices. In more than 160 efficient rental parks worldwide, we provide the formwork and scaffolding material required to supply your projects and cover peak demand periods. And we continue to grow steadily.

Our many years of international activity and the regionally varying requirements in terms of construction methods and procedures, materials and equipment use as well as wage costs have resulted in valuable knowledge. We bundle this know-how for the development of suitable products and services. In this way, local knowledge is turned into global knowledge and a worldwide advantage. And all our customers worldwide benefit from this. This is the basis for our performance leadership.

Our international management stands for profound expertise. With the knowledge of local requirements, suitable formwork and scaffolding systems are created for every need worldwide.

Our Recipe for Success for 55 Years


Continuous and steady growth based on our own strength is our maxim for the further development of our company. This is why we are constantly working on expanding our range of services as well as production capacities. Through the expansion of existing sites and establishment of additional country subsidiaries and locations, we are strengthening our local presence worldwide. Our goal is to be even closer to our customers around the globe in the future and to be able to serve them even better and faster.

Our employees around the world, their performance and competence are our company´s true capital. Their high motivation and special team spirit, strong customer-oriented approach and their daily focus on actual customer requirements have made us so successful since our foundation.

  • Christian Schwörer
    Christian Schwörer


  • Jürgen Voss
    Jürgen Voss


  • Martin Schlecker
    Martin Schlecker


  • Carsten Weiss
    Dr. Carsten Weiß

    Managing Director Business Area Formwork PERI SE

  • Harijs Cika
    Harijs Cika

    Managing Director Business Area Scaffolding & Shoring PERI SE

High Professional Competence and Extensive Experience in Engineering

Our engineers plan and design formwork and scaffolding solutions while taking into account the technical requirements, boundary conditions during the application as well as respective individual customer requirements. This results in optimized solutions for each project Task – very often during the tendering phase. Furthermore, PERI also provides the required technical documentation – from implementation drawings through to verifiable static calculations. The goal is always ensuring process optimization with the objective of reducing both execution times and costs.

In this connection, we are also intensively involved with the technology of Building Information Modeling (BIM). In the process, the systems are used for building information management during the planning and implementation phases which facilitates crosscompany communication as well as over different locations. The goal of all PERI developments is the complete integration of formwork and scaffolding solutions in future BIM simulations. In the future, our engineers want to fully exploit the potential of 5-dimensional planning in the execution of construction work together with our customers.

The high level of expertise found in the international PERI application technology has been achieved through intense cooperation, close networking and continuous training of our engineers worldwide. In this way, we also ensure that the know-how in our company along with all the acquired international experience really does benefit each of our customers for every project regardless of its size.

  • Focus on Engineering
    Focus on Engineering
    For us, engineering does not only mean product development and technical planning. Above all, PERI Engineering also stands for the consideration and optimisation of comprehensive processes relating to formwork and scaffolding.

Groundbreaking Products and Systems

The basic requirements of our developments is to ensure faster and safer working operations. Our products are therefore designed so that they provide users and construction companies with advantages regarding the handling along with workload reductions, enhanced safety as well as cost and personnel savings.

  • The special MX tie is installed from one side only and is used without spacer tubes and cones. As a result, both material requirements and costs are reduced as well as saving time.
    We Make Work Faster and Safer
    We develop new products for applications with which we see rationalization potential with a real future. In this way, efficient system equipment with practical details is developed which maintain a strong position in the market over many years.

We thereby attach great importance to minimizing the number of individual components for system assemblies because this has a positive day-to-day effect: as a result, every use is faster and easier, logistics requirements are reduced, search times on the construction site are a thing of the past – to name just a few effects. Innovative construction, intelligently configured mechanical systems, high quality and durability are likewise given requirements for PERI engineers.

Wherever possible, we develop our systems for the widest possible range of applications. As a result, this allows maximum material utilization and avoids unused stocks of materials. Where necessary, we complement system components for very special applications so that expensive, project-specific constructions can be dispensed with. Thus, our solutions increase the economic efficiency, very often for all the construction processes.

Proof that we are on the right track with this approach is the fact that PERI has always set standards in the market with its innovations and that our systems have established themselves worldwide.

Reliable Services in All Project Phases

Our range of services in the area of project support extends from the elaboration of feasibility studies for particularly challenging projects and material rentals for covering peak demands through to cleaning and repair services for the customer's own materials. Our close-knit network of logistics sites ensures fast availability of materials for every project. We also make our system equipment available in our rental parks and thereby provide our customers with a cost-effective option for managing peak demands or special project tasks.

If required, our supervisors can ensure that our solutions are efficiently used on the construction site. Furthermore, we support the controlling processes on the customer side with high transparency and performance-related invoicing. For large-scale projects, PERI project managers help to adjust material quantities to suit actual requirements thereby achieving an ideal economically viable on-site material requirements/costs ratio.

The most important contact person for our customers is always the respective personal sales engineer. He bundles all requirements and works together with those responsible for the project implementation to draw up a corresponding project service package complete with a customized range of site-related services.

  • Our supervisors ensure that the PERI solutions are efficiently used on the construction site.
    Project Phase Oriented Support
    Our services are based on a practical approach designed to match the project phases of our customers. They bring real benefits to both large and small construction sites.

First-Class Quality is Standard at PERI

We endeavour to produce and deliver consistently high quality on a sustained basis. Therefore, we continually invest in modern production processes and inspection procedures to become even better. Already during product development phase, we subject the components to a wide range of tests in order to get the most out of them ready for the serial production. This includes, among other things, longevity tests in salt baths or torsion tests on the individual components. Thus, we ensure that PERI systems are suitable for tough everyday operations on the construction site as well as being considered reliable enough.

The entire process of the subsequent serial production is subject to continuous quality assurance which is clearly defined and has been repeatedly certified, from purchase through to delivery. This means we can provide the promised quality of our formwork and scaffolding systems.

The design of our product, the manufacturing process in network and our project activities are certified ISO-9001 on one certificate.

Here, too, the results are repeatedly placed under continuing review. And naturally we always use new findings to implement further improvements. For example, an additional cavity sealing with active corrosion protection was developed for the MAXIMO Panel Formwork and integrated in the production process which, in turn, has further increased the durability of our innovative wall formwork.

  • Highly qualified personnel and the very latest production and testing procedures ensure long-lasting products.
    Test Laboratory
    Development, production and quality assurance work hand in hand at our company. Highly qualified personnel and the very latest production and testing procedures ensure long-lasting products.

The wide range of PERI development and production processes include load tests, durability tests as well as continuous quality control. Furthermore, certification from external testing institutes and organisations attest to the high quality of the PERI products.

ISO-9001 Certificate

The design of our product, the manufacturing process in network and our project activities are certified ISO-9001 on one certificate.

Sustainability as a Main Principle

Future viability as well as ecological and economic sustainability have a high priority for all our company activities. The focal point is geared towards the best material utilization as early as the development phase while the load-optimized design of our systems and system components ensures economical use of materials. The selection of raw materials and their procurement takes place at PERI in terms of ecological sustainability. Therefore, for example, the wood for our plywood formliners originates as far as possible from certified, sustainably-managed forests. Our procurement processes are an integral part of the quality management system and we take into consideration and optimize current and future environmental costs. Thereby, the substitution of hazardous or harmful substances has also been a tradition with us for decades.

In the production, new technologies and efficient processes ensure resource-saving manufacturing and best product quality. This guarantees a high number of repeat uses and a long service life of our systems which, in turn, positively influences the consumption of resources. However, if the demanding daily wear and tear does result in damage being caused, our material can be professionally refurbished in our logistics centres. Delivery and construction site logistics are also optimized regarding shipping volumes and transportation routes. Strategically-positioned sites guarantee short delivery distances whereby transportation is also continuously optimised through an intelligent logistics network.

  • The design of the MULTIPROP Prop exemplifies optimized material utilization: the shape guarantees a high load-bearing capacity of the prop with minimum material requirements.
    MULTIPROP Aluminium Prop
    The design of the MULTIPROP Prop exemplifies optimized material utilization: the shape guarantees a high load-bearing capacity of the prop with minimum material requirements.
  • PERI systems have been designed to provide a long service life. With panel formwork, for example, even badly damaged elements can to be used countless more times after being repaired and fitted with a new formliner.
    Cleaning and Repair
    Our systems have been designed to provide a long service life. With panel formwork, for example, even badly damaged elements can to be used countless more times after being repaired and fitted with a new formliner.
  • A symbol of sustainability at PERI: wood chips which occur as a waste product in the girder production feed our biomass heat and power plant at the company headquarters in Weissenhorn. It generates heat and electricity for the entire location as well as neighbouring households.
    A Symbol of Sustainability at PERI
    Wood chips which occur as a waste product in the girder production feed our biomass heat and power plant at the company headquarters in Weissenhorn. It generates heat and electricity for the entire location as well as neighbouring households.

Last but not least, as a family-owned company, we are fundamentally oriented toward sustainability. Future-oriented action based on economic, social and ecological sustainability has always been a central component of our culture. Our corporate management acts with foresight and ensures a long-term strategy - starting with the establishment of new sites, through the training and development of our employees, to the strategic development of new markets and business areas.

Our Company

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