PERI is founded and the first production hall is built on the 6,000 m² company premises in Weissenhorn, Germany.
Founding of the company
Artur Schwörer founds the company PERI together with his wife Christl. The company's aim is the rationalization of building with concrete. Construction work is meant to become easier, faster and safer. The first production hall is built in Weissenhorn.
PERI logo
PERI is a Greek prefix and means "around". The formwork surrounds the concrete - the scaffold surrounds the building.
Company premises
The first production hall is built on the 6,000 m² company premises in Weissenhorn.
PERI team
The first PERI team with Karl Müller, Josef Schwatzer, Josef Madel, Nikolaus Bechthold, Günther Bohatsch, Alfred Fuchs and Bruno Konrad (from the left).
T 70 wooden lattice girder
The first girder is produced, the PERI T 70 is born. T stands for the German word "Träger" (girder) - 70 for the chord thickness in millimeters. The first order was for 80 girders with a length of 3.05 m. The girders were impregnated by hand with a sponge over a plastic tub and directly loaded on the waiting truck. The annual output was about 50,000 linear meters.
1970 - 1971
The first major order, the first bauma and the first handbook.
Scharnebeck ship lift
The world´s biggest twin vertical ship lift close to Lüneburg in Germany connects the Mittelland Canal and the River Elbe, bridging a height difference of 38 m. It is the first major contract for PERI. Extra-long T 70 formwork girders are used for the construction.
bauma 1971
For the first time, PERI takes part in bauma in Munich and presents the T 70 girder and the Culvert Frame Formwork.
PERI Handbook
The first issue is distributed at the first bauma in 1971 and it is a little sensation: A comprehensive volume for the formwork market with color photos, tables and work instructions.
1972 - 1975
The first branch offices and subsidiaries are established.
New PERI subsidiaries
France – 1974
Switzerland – 1974
Spain – 1975 -
First subsidiaries in Hamburg and Stuttgart
PERI expands within Germany. The first subsidiaries are founded in Hamburg and Stuttgart in 1972.
KGF 240 Climbing Scaffold
In 1973, the world's first climbing scaffold increases the safety and work speed at the jobsite. The bold design rationalizes the construction of high-rises enormously because formwork and scaffolding can be moved in one crane lift.
PERI subsidiaries in Europe
The first subsidiaries abroad are established in Switzerland and France in 1974.
German Army Hospital Ulm
Until 1980, the German army hospital Ulm is built. At the time, the trench is the biggest in Southern Germany and allows the construction of a protective shelter for up to 2000 people.
Enlargement of the plant in Weissenhorn
The plant in Weissenhorn is continuously enlarged in order to meet the increasing demand.
1976 - 1978
The "PERI Aktuell" customer magazine is published and the plant in Weissenhorn grows.
"PERI Aktuell"
In February 1976, the first issue of the "PERI Aktuell" customer magazine is published.
Enlargement of the production facilities
In 1976, the PERI plant consists of four production halls, large storage areas and an outdoor product exhibition. PERI buys the first EDP system the same year.
Formwork assembly
The large order for Germany's largest nuclear power plant in Gundremmingen leads to the foundation of the formwork assembly in Weissenhorn.
1979 - 1983
PERI gets a new company logo, and the first subsidiary outside Europe is founded.
New PERI subsidiaries
Belgium – 1979
Netherlands – 1979
USA – 1982
Italy – 1983 -
Working at the drawing board
The design engineers working in the technical office in Weissenhorn.
New PERI Logo
After ten years, the black and yellow company logo is replaced by a new one in 1979. For the first time, the logo also shows the color red. Construction work in Weissenhorn goes on, the sixth hall and the main office building are erected.
MODUL Slab Formwork
In 1980, PERI sets another milestone with the MODUL Slab Formwork made of aluminum.
The first subsidiary outside Europe is founded in the United States of America.
1984 - 1988
The TRIO panel formwork becomes the leading panel formwork in Europe.
Wooden lattice girder GT 24
As a further development of the T 70 V with a height of 36 cm, the new wooden lattice girder GT 24 offers more flexibility at the jobsite maintaining the same dimensional stability with a 12-cm lower height.
PERI in Weissenhorn
The plant grows extremely fast. Large production halls and outdoor storage areas are part of the company premises.
RAPID Column Formwork and Circular Formwork
PERI causes a sensation with the RAPID Column Formwork and the innovative Circular Formwork with articulated walers.
New PERI Logo
"Schalung und Gerüste" (formwork and scaffolding) becomes part of the PERI logo from 1985-1989.
PERI Mission Statement
PERI's success has always been based on stable values. Three principles are particularly important to Artur and Christl Schwörer: respect for the individual, the best possible service to the customer and striving for excellence. In 1985, founder Artur Schwörer takes these firmly embedded principles and creates a mission statement.
Atatürk dam
The movable SKS Single-Sided Climbing Formwork begins its international success story with the construction of the world's third largest dam in Turkey.
TRIO Panel Formwork
The universal TRIO Wall Formwork system is launched and convinces with few different individual components. It stands for fast forming and becomes the market-leading system within a few years.
1989 - 1991
PERI invests DEM 14 million in Weissenhorn and opens the first production facility outside Germany in Turkey.
New PERI subsidiaries
Great Britain – 1989
Turkey – 1990
Hungary – 1990
Singapore – 1991
Malaysia – 1991 -
ACS Self-Climbing System
A milestone in self-climbing technology: PERI introduces the ACS. Climbing takes place with the hydraulic climbing mechanism without the use of a crane. Comfortable working platforms protect site personnel during all weathers.
CAD software
73 modern CAD work places replace the drawing boards in Weissenhorn. Production robots and PC-controlled warehouse technology are also acquired and the powder-coating system is commissioned.
Further development of PERI logo
The PERI logo is adjusted: The words "Schalung und Gerüste" (formwork and scaffolding) become more pronounced against the yellow background and they also remind of the first black-yellow PERI logo
1992 - 1994
Innovations made of aluminium make everyday construction work easier and PERI turns 25 years young.
New PERI subsidiaries
Austria – 1992
Czech Republic – 1992
Denmark – 1993
Finland – 1993
Norway – 1993
Sweden – 1993
Poland – 1993
South Korea – 1994
Portugal – 1994 -
SKYDECK slab formwork with drophead system
At the bauma 1992, PERI presents the lightweight SKYDECK slab formwork. Designed with a drophead system, it enables true early stripping, so that the amount of material required can be reduced.
MULTIPROP Aluminium Slab Props
Low weight, high load-bearing capacity, an integrated measuring tape and the self-cleaning thread are the basis for the rapid success of MULTIPROP around the world.
150,000 m² of company space
The company premises in Weissenhorn are enlarged by 40,000 m² to 150,000 m².
Oresund connection, Denmark-Sweden
A purpose-built field factory produces the tunnel segments in a dry dock. The individual tunnel elements are towed out to the open sea using pontoons and then sunk to their designated positions on the seabed.
25 year of PERI
PERI has 13 branch offices in Germany, 22 subsidiaries and supports more than 4,000 customers around the world. The product portfolio includes more than 2,000 products. In Weissenhorn, the new exhibition hall for product demonstrations is finished.
ELPOS software
The ELPOS computer program sets new standards in work preparation for the planning and dispatching of PERI standard systems.
1995 - 1998
PERI has been on the internet since 1997 and successfully starts with the scaffolding business.
New PERI subsidiaries
Canada – 1995
Brazil – 1996
Argentina – 1996
Chile – 1996
Romania – 1996
Slovakia – 1996
Australia – 1997
UAE – 1997 -
QUATTRO Column Formwork
The new solution for columns means an enormous reduction of crane time at the jobsite because the complete column including push-pull props and concreting platform can be moved in one lift.
Petronas Towers
The ACS Self-Climbing System ensures smooth construction progress during the building of the then highest building in the world with 452 m in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
PERI UP Scaffolding System
PERI starts its activities in the scaffolding market with the development of the PERI UP Scaffolding System. The PERI UP T 72 facade scaffold with T-frames and guardrail in advance is safe and efficient.
New administration building
With the Quadragon, an ultra-modern office building for the PERI staff in Weissenhorn is realized.
1999 - 2004
Many terrific buildings are constructed with PERI knowhow and material from Weissenhorn.
New PERI subsidiaries
Greece – 1999
Israel – 1999
Ukraine – 2000
Bulgaria – 2000
Estonia – 2002
Lithuania – 2002
Latvia – 2003
Mexico – 2003
Serbia and Montenegro – 2003 -
Viaduc de Millau
The 2.5 km long cable-stayed bridge in France is constructed using special steel formwork, which rises upwards cycle-by-cycle with the help of the ACS Self-Climbing System. At that time it is the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world.
Japan Pavilion
At the Expo 2000 in Hannover, the Japan Pavilion causes a sensation due to its construction being made of paper rolls. PERI UP scaffolding and MULTIPROP shoring enable a secure and precise erection of the paper roll construction.
New PERI logo
The horizontal bar symbolizes the increasing market presence and the growing number of satisfied customers. The vertical bar stands for the improvement in quality of all PERI services.
From a sculpture to a building
Due to its torsion-like architecture, the 190-m high office and residential complex Turning Torso in Sweden requires a particularly efficient formwork concept with ACS climbing units.
Girder production
20,000 linear meters of girders are produced per day with the fully automatic production plant.
Torre Agbar
Varying forms, irregularly placed windows and changes in wall strength are challenges during the construction of the 142-m high Torre Agbar in Barcelona to which the ACS self-climbing system is the safe and fast response.
2005 - 2007
The VARIOKIT engineering construction kit and the MAXIMO panel formwork cause a sensation in the industry.
New PERI subsidiaries
Croatia – 2005
Japan – 2006
Belarus – 2006
Russia – 2006
India – 2007
Kazakhstan – 2007
Qatar – 2007 -
The pilot project for serially manufactured 3-D formwork units for the construction of the Mercedes Benz Museum in Stuttgart in Germany sets new standards in formwork technology.
Investment for the future
PERI enlarges its production space by 80% and doubles its logistics and material planning areas. All in all, PERI invests about EUR 80 million in Weissenhorn.
RCS Rail Climbing System
The system, which can be supplied optionally with or without hydraulic technology, can be perfectly adjusted to jobsite-specific requirements.
MAXIMO Wall Formwork
PERI presents for the first time at bauma the MAXIMO Panel Formwork with single-sided MX tie technology.
Cameron LNG liquefied natural gas tanks
In the US federal state of Louisiana, three giant liquefied natural gas tanks are built with PERI know-how. Each structure has a diameter of 80 m and wall heights of 44 m.
Next generation
The founder of the company, Artur Schwörer (deceased in 2009), hands over the management of the company to his two sons Alexander and Christian in 2007.
VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit
For load combinations in tunnel, bridge and building construction, PERI provides for the first time a construction kit consisting of standardized, rentable system components and connecting elements.
2008 - 2009
While PERI becomes active on the industrial scaffold market, the whole company mourns the death of the company’s founder, Artur Schwörer.
New PERI subsidiaries
Panama – 2008
Peru – 2008
Albania – 2009 -
Sheikh Khalifa Bridge
With a length of 1.455 km and the impressive width of 60 m, the Sheikh Khalifa Bridge connects the mainland of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates with Saadiyat Island.
Artur Schwörer is awarded the "Bayerische Verdienstorden" (Bavarian Order of Merit)
In 2008, Artur Schwörer is awarded the "Bayerische Verdienstorden" (Bavarian Order of Merit) for his lifetime achievements, the highest award to be awarded in the German federal state of Bavaria. In 2009, Artur Schwörer dies at the age of 76.
PERI UP Flex Industrial Scaffold
With the flexible modular-type PERI UP Flex Scaffold, PERI starts its activities for industrial scaffold applications.
850 truckloads of material for the Berlin Brandenburg Airport
PERI supports the construction site team with different types of system formwork, among them huge amounts of slab, wall and column formwork. PERI's service also includes the planning and delivery of accordingly adjusted shoring.
2010 - 2011
PERI develops new products for new markets.
New PERI subsidiaries
South Africa - 2011
LIWA Wall Formwork
The particularly lightweight and easy-to-handle wall formwork system is ideal in places where crane capacities are limited or not available at all.
UNO Housing Formwork
PERI introduces the UNO for the first time at bauma 2010. Walls, columns, slabs, beams and stairways are shuttered and concreted simultaneously using the monolithic construction method. UNO is the fast and cost-effective solution for forming residential buildings featuring frequently repetitive floor plans.
bauma 2010
bauma has turned into the world-leading trade fair for the construction equipment and machinery industry. PERI's impressive exhibition hall has a floor space of more than 4,000 m².
Expansion of international business activities
PERI buys the South African trade partner Wiehahn and successfully integrates it into the company group. The external growth strategy in South Africa is the first of its kind in the company's history.
Expansion of the Panama Canal with SCS Climbing System
The new construction of the giant lock facilities on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts is the largest single order in the company's history. The use of big SCS climbing units renders the fabrication of the massive lock parts cost-effective.
2012 - 2013
Digital solutions made by PERI complete the existing product and services portfolio.
New PERI subsidiaries
Colombia – 2012
Algeria – 2012
Saudi Arabia – 2012
Iran – 2012
Kuwait – 2013 -
myPERI - the online portal
Up-to-date, transparent and available 24/7! PERI is the first manufacturer of formwork and scaffolding to offer its customers direct access to necessary information. All project documents can be called up online at any time.
Apps for the jobsite
PERI introduces new digital developments at bauma 2013. The PERI handbook has its premiere as an application for mobile devices. The company also presents applications to its visitors at the fair which can determine the concreting speed as well as a smartphone and tablet configurator for the MULTIFLEX Slab Formwork.
LPS Screen - The lightweight climbing protection panel with mesh enclosure
PERI has developed the lightweight LPS Screen protection panel system for buildings with open facades as an alternative for complete enclosures.
New office building in Weissenhorn
On the one hand, the established and the recently created departments are brought closer to one another and at the same time space for future requirements is created with the new building.
2014 - 2015
PERI grows in all areas. More than 60 subsidiaries now belong to the PERI Group.
New PERI subsidiaries
Philippines – 2014
Lebanon – 2014
Nigeria – 2014
Thailand – 2015
Hong Kong – 2015
Tanzania – 2015
Namibia – 2015
Mozambique – 2015 -
The PERI executive board is formed
In April 2014, Dr. Fabian Kracht becomes Head of Finance and Organization. From May 2015 on, Leonhard Braig joins PERI as Head of Products and Technology. (from the left) Dr. Fabian Kracht, Alexander Schwörer and Leonhard Braig
PERI founds own software company CENTRIO GmbH
Under the names of CENTRIO and CENTRIO CLM, PERI offers sustainable IT solutions for the digitalization of construction processes.
Schaltec as part of PERI
The competitor Schaltec becomes part of the PERI Group. This enlarges PERI's portfolio by the adequate services of refurbishment and trade with used goods.
Highest concrete bridge pier in the world
The unique shape of the reinforced concrete pylons and the complexity of the mounted parts for the construction of the third bridge across the Bosporus in Istanbul, Turkey, have required a very flexible planning process – a complete solution from PERI with the ACS Self-Climbing Formwork.
2016 - 2019
The PERI UP Easy Facade Scaffold is successfully launched on the market.
New PERI subsidiaries
Morocco – 2016
Vietnam – 2017
Indonesia – 2018 -
Expansion of production capacities for scaffolding systems
The new production site in Günzburg, Germany is the latest, ultra-modern main plant for scaffolding systems. At the same time, PERI enlarges its outdoor storage area with 20,000 m² at the company's headquarters in Weissenhorn.
PERI UP Easy Frame Scaffold
The PERI UP Easy Facade Scaffold is a “lightweight“ among the range of steel facade scaffolds. It is fast and safe to erect, provides extremely high safety standards for every application and proves itself with smart detail solutions.
New Canteen
With great participation of the entire workforce the Schwörer family and the PERI Group management team open a new canteen at the central location in Weissenhorn.
PERI Identity
PERI's identity has grown over the years and is expressed in new words in an updated mission statement. It contributes to the fact that vision, mission, values and success factors are pursued and lived by conviction even in the event of rapid growth.
Record-breaking bridge successfully completed with PERI systems
The new Pumarejo Bridge, Barranquilla/Atlántico, Colombia, with an average span of 380 m and a 38 m wide superstructure, supported by two 80 m high pylons, is considered one of the most representative structures in Colombia.
Renovation of Neuschwanstein Castle
For scaffolding and enclosure of the gateway building, the PERI UP Flex scaffold solution has been optimally adapted to suit the local site conditions and static requirements. For the first time in scaffolding, heatable roof tarpaulins ensure that the formation of snow loads are prevented.
Expansion of the Group Management Board
As of Novermber 1, 2019, the Group Management will be extended by Thomas Imbacher as Managing Director “Innovation & Marketing”.
With the commissioning of the galvanising plant in Günzburg, PERI is strengthening the scaffolding sector.
Opening of the new galvanizing plant at PERI Guenzburg
On Saturday, 18 January 2020, almost to the day, two years after the ground-breaking ceremony, the galvanizing plant of the PERI plant in Günzburg was put into operation.
PERI assists with the construction of Asia’s largest underground station
The Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) is an underground station on the Mumbai Metro, a rapid transit system that is currently under construction.
PERI canteen awarded third best canteen in Germany
The canteen at the PERI headquarter in Weissenhorn has achieved 3rd place in the Germany-wide canteen test carried out by the magazine FOCUS and Food & Health e.V.
PERI 3D concrete printing: rethinking of construction
PERI revolutionizes the construction process with 3D concrete printing and prints Germany's first residential building and the largest apartment building in Europe. While the two-storey single-family house still measures approx. 80 sqm of living space per floor, the 5-family house with 3 floors already comprises around 380 sqm of living space.
An innovative year: 3D-printed houses, digital assistance to optimize work processes on the construction site, and a new formwork system for better conditions in slums. Some of these innovations even were winners of this year's German Innovation Award.
New Chairman of the Management Board
Christian Schwörer is a member of the shareholding family and will be appointed CEO of PERI Group for a transitional period.
PERI is one of Germany's Top 100 Innovators
PERI's innovation management was thoroughly examined in a demanding competition process using over 100 test criteria from five categories.In the end, the jury of experts was convinced: PERI is one of the TOP 100 most innovative companies in this year's competition.
PERI prints first residential building in the USA
PERI and "Habitat for Humanity" realise the first fully approved 3D-printed house in the USA in Tempe, Arizona with a living space of approx. 160m².
PERI 3D printing project "Beckum" wins German Innovation Award
In September 2020, PERI had printed Germany's first ever residential building in Beckum (North Rhine-Westphalia) with a BOD2 3D concrete printer. Now, this project has been awarded the German Innovation Award by the German Design Council.
Optimised concreting processes with PERI sensors
With PERI InSite Construction, PERI is bringing various digital solutions to market that optimise the concreting process on the construction site and help to save time and cut costs. The key is a measuring device, a cloud and the sensors themselves. These include the PERI InSite Construction Temperature Monitoring and Concrete Maturity Kit for efficient measurement of the temperature and determination of the maturity of the concrete.
PERI and STRABAG print first building in Austria
Austria’s first 3D-printed building is being constructed in Hausleiten, Austria. Construction technology group STRABAG together with PERI is realising a roughly 125 m² office building next to its asphalt mixing plant in Hausleiten. The pure printing time for the building extension is approx. 45 hours.
German Innovation Award 2021 for PERI and „Start Somewhere“
The "TwistBlock Moulds" formwork system co-developed by PERI and the non-proft start-up "Start Somewhere" has won the German Innovation Award 2021 in the category "Building & Elements". The new formwork system aims to sustainably improve living conditions in slums all over the world.
2022 was also a successful year, with a special focus on bauma.
Jürgen Voss appointed new Chief Financial Officer at PERI
Jürgen Voss becomes Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the PERI Group on 1 January 2022. He takes over this position from Christian Schwörer, who had held it on a transitional basis since 1 May 2021 in addition to his role as Chairman of the Executive Board (CEO).
PERI is reflecting on a successful bauma 2022
With more than 200,000 visitors, the PERI exhibition hall at bauma 2022 was a complete success. We presented numerous innovations from the formwork and scaffolding sector and were able to hold exciting talks and discussions. A special feature of this year's bauma was also the expansion in the outdoor area, which was dedicated solely to the topic of 3D printing: Visitors were able to experience first-hand how our experts printed a new Tiny House live in Munich every day.
MESH technology: New technology for demanding concrete structures
PERI SE and Sika AG invest in the Swiss startup MESH AG. MESH AG has developed the world's first robot-assisted technology for the efficient and cost-effective production of complex reinforced concrete components without formwork.
The first sustainability report was published
In our Sustainability Report, we have identified five fields of action to advance the topic of sustainability at PERI. Concrete medium- to long-term goals are presented in an open and transparent manner.
2023 was another exciting year in the history of our company.
Stan Wojcieszczyk becomes CSO of the PERI Group
Stan Wojcieszczyk becomes Chief Sales Officer (CSO) of the PERI Group on 1 April 2023. He joins Christian Schwörer (CEO) and Jürgen Voss (CFO) on the Executive Board.
PERI acquires Implenia Schalungsbau GmbH
With effect from 1 January 2023, PERI Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG has acquired Implenia Schalungsbau GmbH in Bobenheim-Roxheim, Germany. For the time being, the company will be managed under the name PERI Schalungsbau GmbH as a subsidiary of PERI Germany.
promaintain becomes part of the PERI Group
Effective from 1 July 2023, PERI SE has acquired promaintain GmbH & Co. KG in Gaimersheim. The company will continue to operate as an independent unit within the PERI Group, under its previous brand and company name.
PERI acquires majority stake in KERN Tunneltechnik SA
With effect from 7 December 2023, PERI SE acquired a majority stake in KERN Tunneltechnik SA, based in Lugano (Switzerland). The company will continue to operate as an independent unit within the PERI Group under its current management, brand and company name.
Milestone in the construction of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel: PERI delivers 10,000 t of special formwork
With a length of 18 km, the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel will be the longest immersed tunnel in the world and is considered one of the largest infrastructure construction sites in Europe. PERI developed a formwork concept for the central production of the standard tunnel elements.
PERI joins the UN Global Compact
PERI has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate management. By joining, PERI commits to aligning its corporate actions with the ten universal sustainability principles of the UN Global Compact.