Andreas' journey as an engineer began with a childhood dream: he always wanted to become an inventor and help design impressive buildings. After studying civil engineering and project management, he finally joined PERI in 2011. Today, Andreas manages exciting high-rise projects and develops innovative formwork solutions. ‘I always wanted to be the person who stands in front of buildings and says: I was involved in that,’ he says. One project he is particularly proud of is his work on the construction of Roche's pRED research centre which comprises a total of four buildings. PERI was awarded the contract to develop and supply formwork solutions for two of the buildings. This was the moment when Andrea's inventor's heart beat faster. ‘Every project gives me the chance to work on a solution until I find the best one for our client,’ he explains.

The requirements for pRED – and how Andreas solved them
Our client was looking for innovative formwork solutions that would make work on the construction site easier and more efficient. The central location in the city centre made the logistical process on the construction site even more difficult. ‘First of all, we developed a rough concept. This was not only tailored to the specific requirements on site, but also to the challenges faced by our client,’ explains Andreas.
As our client had a very ambitious schedule, short pre-assembly times were crucial. ‘So, we chose our MAXIMO Panel Formwork. For this type of project, it’s very efficient in combination with our climbing formwork and can also be rented,’ explains Andreas. The research centre was therefore one of the first construction projects for which he presented our MAXIMO in combination with our ACS climbing system as a solution. ‘This combination showed our client right from the proposal phase that we don't just offer any solution, but the most efficient one,’ says Andreas.

With team spirit to customised special solutions
Thanks to strategic considerations, our project team quickly realised that special solutions were needed to optimally combine our two systems.
As there was a gap at the outer corner of the panel formwork in a 90-degree position, Andreas worked with our product development team to create a prototype of a small corner bracket that closes the outer corner completely – a solution that makes the use of our panel formwork even more efficient and has since become standard.
He also worked with our hydraulics supplier to develop a new control system so that the entire platform can climb smoothly over 36 climbing units together with our panel formwork. ‘Teamwork is required for elaborations like these,’ says Andreas and adds: ’As soon as we have found a suitable solution in our team, I pass it on to one of our engineers for elaboration. Our structural engineer then checks the calculations before a design engineer creates the 3D models. These are then presented to our client together with the process plans.' In the end, a total of 22 engineers were closely involved in the planning of the pRED research centre for the core and façade, so that everyone could contribute their strengths.

Andreas puts logistics on the path to success
Andreas' strength lies in climbing formwork. In high-rise projects, where they play a central role, he acts as an expert with his know-how and shows our clients all the possibilities. ‘This creates trust, which is very important in close collaboration. After all, we want to maintain our partnerships in the long term,’ he says. The same applies to our suppliers and support functions. As the pRED Centre was built in an inner-city area with limited space, a strict schedule was important for the delivery of the formwork. Andreas therefore took his colleagues from Material Management Customer Service to the construction site and explained the processes so that the logistics could be significantly optimised.
This also allowed them to see the project in real life. If it's up to our engineer, everyone involved should always see their work on site. ‘It's a great feeling to touch a building that you've been involved in,’ says Andreas.

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